“A lot of this is all about timing.”
– Mitchell Slater
Hello everyone, welcome to Episode # of the “Spotlight Podcast: Success Stories for Veterans” where it is our job to breakdown and analyze Titans in both the military and civilian communities to discover their tactics, mindset, and systems so that you can apply them to your life. Those titans range from NYT best-selling authors, to former heads of state, to other divergent thinkers who dominate their field by challenging conventional wisdom.
Today we are interviewing: Mitch Slater.
Mitch started out as an associate producer for Larry King working On-Air Production and getting Larry King’s Coffee. Mitch later moved to the finance world with Merrill Lynch for 18 years. Mitch became a Senior VP before moving over to UBS. Mitch has now spent almost the last decade with UBS, where he is a Senior Vice President of Wealth Management.
Mitch works with many high-profile individuals and has insight that most of us can only dream of.
So how does Mitch do it? Listen and find out.
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