“Finding balance is being okay with a constant state of imbalance.”
– Lisa Jaster
Hello everyone, welcome to Episode #27 of the “Spotlight Podcast: Success Stories for Veterans,” where it is our job to breakdown and analyze Titans in both the military and civilian communities to discover their tactics, mindset, and systems so that you can apply them to your life, and your transition. Those titans range from NYT best-selling authors to former heads of state, to other divergent thinkers who dominate their field by challenging conventional wisdom.
Today we are interviewing Lisa Jaster.
Lisa was also a 2015 Ranger School graduate, and I discovered Lisa through her work with the Talent War Group. I invited her to come to the show because I was impressed by how many projects she is working on while still performing high. On top of everything else she does, Lisa is still serving as a reserve engineer battalion commander.
Lisa also walked away from a lucrative career in Houston to take the risk of pursuing the life she really wanted. That move has opened the opportunity for Lisa to work on her #1 Project #DeleteTheAdjective.
So how does Lisa do it? Listen and find out.
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